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In library and archival science , digital preservation is a formal endeavor to ensure that digital information of continuing value remains accessible and usable. The goal of digital preservation is the accurate rendering of authenticated content over time.

The need for digital preservation mainly arises because of the relatively short lifespan of digital media. Widely used hard drives can become unusable in a few years due to a variety of reasons such as damaged spindle motors, and flash memory found on SSDs , phones, USB flash drives , and in memory cards such as SD, microSD, and CompactFlash cards can start to lose data around a year after its last use, depending on its storage temperature and how much data has been written to it during its lifetime.

Currently, 5D optical data storage has the potential to store digital data for thousands of years. Archival disc -based media is available, but it is only designed to last for 50 years and it is a proprietary format, sold by just two Japanese companies, Sony and Panasonic.

M-DISC is a DVD-based format that claims to retain data for 1, years, but writing to it requires special optical disc drives and reading the data it contains requires increasingly uncommon optical disc drives, in addition the company behind the format went bankrupt. RAID arrays could be used to protect against failure of single hard drives, although care needs to be taken to not mix the drives of one array with those of another.

Archival appraisal or, alternatively, selection [6] refers to the process of identifying records and other materials to be preserved by determining their permanent value. Several factors are usually considered when making this decision. Appraisal is identified as A4. Archival appraisal may be performed once or at the various stages of acquisition and processing.

Macro appraisal, [10] a functional analysis of records at a high level, may be performed even before the records have been acquired to determine which records to acquire.

More detailed, iterative appraisal may be performed while the records are being processed. Appraisal is performed on all archival materials, not just digital. It has been proposed that, in the digital context, it might be desirable to retain more records than have traditionally been retained after appraisal of analog records, primarily due to a combination of the declining cost of storage and the availability of sophisticated discovery tools which will allow researchers to find value in records of low information density.

However, the selection, appraisal, and prioritization of materials must be carefully considered in relation to the ability of an organization to responsibly manage the totality of these materials. Often libraries, and to a lesser extent, archives, are offered the same materials in several different digital or analog formats. They prefer to select the format that they feel has the greatest potential for long-term preservation of the content. The Library of Congress has created a set of recommended formats for long-term preservation.

In digital preservation and collection management, discovery and identification of objects is aided by the use of assigned identifiers and accurate descriptive metadata. An identifier is a unique label that is used to reference an object or record, usually manifested as a number or string of numbers and letters. As a crucial element of metadata to be included in a database record or inventory, it is used in tandem with other descriptive metadata to differentiate objects and their various instantiations.

Descriptive metadata refers to information about an object's content such as title, creator, subject, date etc Extensive descriptive metadata about a digital object helps to minimize the risks of a digital object becoming inaccessible.

Another common type of file identification is the filename. Implementing a file naming protocol is essential to maintaining consistency and efficient discovery and retrieval of objects in a collection, and is especially applicable during digitization of analog media.

Using a file naming convention, such as the 8. The cornerstone of digital preservation, " data integrity " refers to the assurance that the data is "complete and unaltered in all essential respects"; a program designed to maintain integrity aims to "ensure data is recorded exactly as intended, and upon later retrieval, ensure the data is the same as it was when it was originally recorded". Unintentional changes to data are to be avoided, and responsible strategies put in place to detect unintentional changes and react as appropriately determined.

However, digital preservation efforts may necessitate modifications to content or metadata through responsibly-developed procedures and by well-documented policies. Data integrity practices also apply to modified versions, as their state of capture must be maintained and resistant to unintentional modifications. The integrity of a record can be preserved through bit-level preservation, fixity checking, and capturing a full audit trail of all preservation actions performed on the record.

These strategies can ensure protection against unauthorised or accidental alteration. File fixity is the property of a digital file being fixed, or unchanged. File fixity checking is the process of validating that a file has not changed or been altered from a previous state. While checksums are the primary mechanism for monitoring fixity at the individual file level, an important additional consideration for monitoring fixity is file attendance.

Whereas checksums identify if a file has changed, file attendance identifies if a file in a designated collection is newly created, deleted, or moved. Tracking and reporting on file attendance is a fundamental component of digital collection management and fixity. Characterization of digital materials is the identification and description of what a file is and of its defining technical characteristics [20] often captured by technical metadata, which records its technical attributes like creation or production environment.

Digital sustainability encompasses a range of issues and concerns that contribute to the longevity of digital information. Digital sustainability concentrates less on the solution and technology and more on building an infrastructure and approach that is flexible with an emphasis on interoperability , continued maintenance and continuous development. Renderability refers to the continued ability to use and access a digital object while maintaining its inherent significant properties.

Physical media obsolescence can occur when access to digital content requires external dependencies that are no longer manufactured, maintained, or supported. External dependencies can refer to hardware, software, or physical carriers.

For example, DLT tape was used for backups and data preservation, but is no longer used. File format obsolescence can occur when adoption of new encoding formats supersedes use of existing formats, or when associated presentation tools are no longer readily available.

While the use of file formats will vary among archival institutions given their capabilities, there is documented acceptance among the field that chosen file formats should be "open, standard, non-proprietary, and well-established" to enable long-term archival use.

Formats proprietary to one software vendor are more likely to be affected by format obsolescence. Significant properties refer to the "essential attributes of a digital object which affect its appearance, behavior, quality and usability" and which "must be preserved over time for the digital object to remain accessible and meaningful.

It assists appraisal and selection, processes in which choices are made about which significant properties of digital objects are worth preserving; it helps the development of preservation metadata, the assessment of different preservation strategies and informs future work on developing common standards across the preservation community.

Whether analog or digital, archives strive to maintain records as trustworthy representations of what was originally received.

Authenticity has been defined as ". The content and meaning of that inaccurate record will remain unchanged. A combination of policies, security procedures, and documentation can be used to ensure and provide evidence that the meaning of the records has not been altered while in the archives' custody. Digital preservation efforts are largely to enable decision-making in the future.

Should an archive or library choose a particular strategy to enact, the content and associated metadata must persist to allow for actions to be taken or not taken at the discretion of the controlling party.

Preservation metadata is a key enabler for digital preservation, and includes technical information for digital objects, information about a digital object's components and its computing environment, as well as information that documents the preservation process and underlying rights basis. It allows organizations or individuals to understand the chain of custody.

Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies PREMIS , is the de facto standard that defines the implementable, core preservation metadata needed by most repositories and institutions.

It includes guidelines and recommendations for its usage, and has developed shared community vocabularies. The challenges of long-term preservation of digital information have been recognized by the archival community for years. The final report published by the Task Force Garrett, J. The Task Force proposed development of a national system of digital archives that would take responsibility for long-term storage and access to digital information; introduced the concept of trusted digital repositories and defined their roles and responsibilities; identified five features of digital information integrity content, fixity, reference, provenance, and context that were subsequently incorporated into a definition of Preservation Description Information in the Open Archival Information System Reference Model; and defined migration as a crucial function of digital archives.

The concepts and recommendations outlined in the report laid a foundation for subsequent research and digital preservation initiatives. To standardize digital preservation practice and provide a set of recommendations for preservation program implementation, the Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System OAIS was developed, and published in OAIS is concerned with all technical aspects of a digital object's life cycle: ingest, archival storage, data management, administration, access and preservation planning.

The Trusted Digital Repository Model outlines relationships among these attributes. The report also recommended the collaborative development of digital repository certifications, models for cooperative networks, and sharing of research and information on digital preservation with regard to intellectual property rights.

In Henry M. Gladney proposed another approach to digital object preservation that called for the creation of "Trustworthy Digital Objects" TDOs. TDOs are digital objects that can speak to their own authenticity since they incorporate a record maintaining their use and change history, which allows the future users to verify that the contents of the object are valid.

The research is being conducted by focus groups from various institutions in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia, with an objective of developing theories and methodologies that provide the basis for strategies, standards, policies, and procedures necessary to ensure the trustworthiness, reliability, and accuracy of digital records over time.

Under the direction of archival science professor Luciana Duranti , the project began in with the first phase, InterPARES 1, which ran to and focused on establishing requirements for authenticity of inactive records generated and maintained in large databases and document management systems created by government agencies. Its goal is to utilize theoretical and methodological knowledge generated by InterPARES and other preservation research projects for developing guidelines, action plans, and training programs on long-term preservation of authentic records for small and medium-sized archival organizations.

Society's heritage has been presented on many different materials, including stone, vellum, bamboo, silk, and paper. Now a large quantity of information exists in digital forms, including emails, blogs, social networking websites, national elections websites, web photo albums, and sites which change their content over time. Unlike traditional analog objects such as books or photographs where the user has unmediated access to the content, a digital object always needs a software environment to render it.

These environments keep evolving and changing at a rapid pace, threatening the continuity of access to the content. In the case of born-digital content e. Rapidly changing technologies can hinder digital preservationists work and techniques due to outdated and antiquated machines or technology. This has become a common problem and one that is a constant worry for a digital archivist—how to prepare for the future.

Digital content can also present challenges to preservation because of its complex and dynamic nature, e. For the preservation of software as digital content, a specific challenge is the typically non-availability of the source code as commercial software is normally distributed only in compiled binary form. Without the source code an adaption Porting on modern computing hardware or operating system is most often impossible, therefore the original hardware and software context needs to be emulated.

Another potential challenge for software preservation can be the copyright which prohibits often the bypassing of copy protection mechanisms Digital Millennium Copyright Act in case software has become an orphaned work Abandonware.

An exemption from the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act to permit to bypass copy protection was approved in for a period of 3 years to the Internet Archive who created an archive of "vintage software", as a way to preserve them. Another challenge surrounding preservation of digital content resides in the issue of scale.

The amount of digital information being created along with the "proliferation of format types" [2] makes creating trusted digital repositories with adequate and sustainable resources a challenge. The Web is only one example of what might be considered the "data deluge". The economic challenges of digital preservation are also great. Preservation programs require significant up front investment to create, along with ongoing costs for data ingest, data management, data storage, and staffing.

One of the key strategic challenges to such programs is the fact that, while they require significant current and ongoing funding, their benefits accrue largely to future generations. The various levels of security may be represented as three layers: the "hot" accessible online repositories and "warm" e. Internet Archive layers both have the weakness of being founded upon electronics - both would be wiped out in a repeat of the powerful 19th-century geomagnetic storm known as the " Carrington Event ".

In , the Online Computer Library Center developed a four-point strategy for the long-term preservation of digital objects that consisted of:.

There are several additional strategies that individuals and organizations may use to actively combat the loss of digital information.

Refreshing is the transfer of data between two types of the same storage medium so there are no bitrot changes or alteration of data. This strategy may need to be combined with migration when the software or hardware required to read the data is no longer available or is unable to understand the format of the data.


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